Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Self Portraits

For this project we were assigned to create 3 individual self portraits.

For my first piece, I wanted to create something that was very simple, but at the same time have a very clean and aesthetically pleasing look to it.
Haha, I really enjoyed working on this one. I never really work with a lot of color, I normally stick to the earth-tonish genre, but here I clearly went all out in using color to its fullest.

With the final portion of the project I wanted to do something a little different, something that I haven't done yet. I aimed to create images that have almost a "playful" aspect to them, which is why I chose to create those "bouncing cubes" that are composed of images of myself, and of friends...I further enhanced the 3-dimensional photos with more geometric shapes, and a very "digital" theme.

Overall I am very proud of the project, and I am satisfied with the amount of work, creativity, and the finished look of the project as a whole.


Ruffner2 said...

I really like this piece.. all the pieces are fairly simple yet very aesthetically pleasing. I love the idea of the bouncing cubes with the pictures on them. I like the colors in the second one with the almost hidden image of chris. It is a well composed work.

RoOose said...

I enjoyed Chris' use of photography in the first picture and the paint splotches on the palm trees for together it gives off both a realistic and nonrealistic look.

Marissa Marton said...

I like how you changed the page layout in your work... It is very creative and works well with your images and style... The first image with the sunglasses and palm tree looks like a poster that someone would have in their room... Great Work!

Ariel Capellupo said...

i like the simplicity and use of color in these images. i also like that the images are panoramic, as most people's are not. the images are very different but still work well together.

jaimie michelle said...

i really enjoy this piece a lot. its very interesting to look at and the simplicity is still so detailed..does that make sense haha? it shows that each piece has a lot of work put into it even though the final images are so simplistic. i really like it a lot and the image sizes that you used that panoramic view is a very nice touch it really adds to the finished product. nice work.

GabriellePeterson said...

I really enjoy this piece. The three different pieces work well together, and the simplicity in all makes it feel cohesive. The pieces are strong and very aesthetically pleasing.

ChelcSic said...

Each picture looks like they would be great for a background to an advertisement. I liked how you put yourself into the pictures but you didn't at the same time. They were different angle's and different color.
Way to step outside the box.

*P*A*P*P*A* said...

I definitely liked this piece. You tried new things and broke out of your comfort zone in some. With each piece being completely different the usage of color ties them all together and creates a strong feel overall.

Kim said...

I think these look very professional, like they could be adds for something. They are simple but very effective. Really great job.

ZoeChen said...

I would say it is like story tale that he uses three different pieces and simple wording. It makes me feel his speciality.

mazouat2 said...

i think each individualy piece is expertly crafted. they really are so precisely done and and show your amazing mastery of photoshop as an art making tool. they really are breathtaking. my only crtisism is that the pieces only stand alone. individualy they are impecable and definitely the best images in the class but they are not at related. i actually think that when presented next to each other they actually detract from beauty of the other. i think each image is an amazing starting point for three separate tripitchs but don't work together as one

atticus13x said...

i love this piece, it's one of my favorites out of the whole class. The photography is put to good use, and i LOVE the second part.. the coloring is very nice (especially for someone who says he rarely uses bright colors), and both of the other parts were really good as well.

mal237 said...

i really like your piece. It gives me three different feelings and i really like the third one and the landscape style that you decided to use